[AS][IDCS2] Repeat thru page count while making new pages.

I have a script that repeats through every page via the page count, determines the applied master page, and adds additional pages if necessary. Problem is because the adding of pages changes the page count the repeat loop stops short of the end of the document. I’ve tried using a repeat loop of “until page count is less than 1” but that doesn’t work because it won’t run through the pages at all.

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
	set theFile to active document
	tell theFile
		set thePages to every page
		set w to 1
		repeat with w from 1 to count of thePages
				if name of applied master of page w contains "A-" then
					set theNewPage to (make new page with properties {applied master:master spread "C-Spread Master"} at after page w)
---additional code to move items from page w to new page
					if name of applied master of page w contains "B-" then
						repeat 4 times
							set theNewPage to (make new page with properties {applied master:master spread "C-Spread Master"} at after page w)
---additional code to move items from page w to new pages
						end repeat
					end if
				end if
			end try
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell


I haven’t tested this, but it could work. :wink:
The loop uses a flexible index counter, which will be adjusted after adding the page(s)

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
	set theFile to active document
	tell theFile
		set thePages to count pages
		set w to 1
		repeat thePages times
				if name of applied master of page w contains "A-" then
					set theNewPage to (make new page with properties {applied master:master spread "C-Spread Master"} at after page w)
					set w to w + 1
					---additional code to move items from page w to new page
					if name of applied master of page w contains "B-" then
						repeat 4 times
							set theNewPage to (make new page with properties {applied master:master spread "C-Spread Master"} at after page w)
							---additional code to move items from page w to new pages
						end repeat
						set w to w + 4
					end if
				end if
			end try
			set w to w + 1
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

An easier way would be to use the ID of the page or label the page and use the ID or label to address the page.

A few notes:
document offset of the page is the sequential order of the page in the document
Name of the page is the page number as defined by the sections.


Sorry to butt in here!

couldn’t you just say:

repeat with w from 1 to count of every page

i think this will stop the script from counting with in the intial variable "thepages"which is set before the repeat loop

i could be wrong can’t test.

good luck.


The problem with that is the script is adding pages between existing pages, thus increasing the document size as it goes so the page count does not reflect that from the beginning of the repeat statement. The following should work using the ID number of the page to address only those pages which existed at the beginning of the execution of the routine.

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
	set theFile to active document
	tell theFile
		set CMaster to name of every master spread whose name contains "C-"
		set thePages to id of every page
		repeat with aPage in thePages
			set aPage to item 1 of (every page whose id is aPage)
			if name of applied master of aPage contains "A-" then
				set theNewPage to (make new page at after aPage)
				set applied master of theNewPage to master spread CMaster
			else if name of applied master of aPage contains "B-" then
				repeat 4 times
					set theNewPage to (make new page at after aPage)
					set applied master of theNewPage to master spread CMaster
				end repeat
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

Another quick hint, try statements are great to trap errors when a script is running but I never use them when working out a code so that the Script Editor can show me where the problems are. I put try/on error’s in after I have the code working.

Thanks for all of the help, so far Stefan’s idea is working best.

Thanks again everyone!