[AS]Standard Script Editor with OSX Tiger; complex question

First off, big THANK YOU to all of the help this forum has provided. I’ve only been working with Applescript for about a month and a half now and without forums like these I don’t think I’d be half as far as I am in my learning. Now, the bad news.

I’m working on a rather complicated script that invloves several apps. Quick rundown:
1.Drop files on script
2.If file is IDCS2 check for facing pages, count pages, get dimensions, export as pdf
3.If PDF shell script for dimensions and shell script for page count
4.If not PDF or IDCS2 error
5.Photoshop opens PDF sets dimensions and dpi saves each page as PNG
6.PowerPoint inserts each PNG into new slide

Per request here is the script:

on run
	display dialog "This is a droplet, drag and drop InDesign or PDFs to be converted ino PowerPoint." buttons {"OK"} with icon 0
end run

on open theFiles
	do shell script "rm -rf /Library/Caches/Scripting/PowerPoint\\ Maker/*"
	tell application "Finder"
		if not (exists folder "Macintosh HD:Library:Caches:Scripting") then
			make new folder at "Macintosh HD:Library:Caches" with properties {name:"Scripting"}
		end if
		if not (exists folder "Macintosh HD:Library:Caches:Scripting:PowerPoint Maker") then
			make new folder at "Macintosh HD:Library:Caches:Scripting" with properties {name:"PowerPoint Maker"}
		end if
		set TempPath to "Macintosh HD:Library:Caches:Scripting:PowerPoint Maker:"
		display dialog "Would you like to keep the PNG files after the PowerPoint file is made?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} with icon 1
		set savePNGs to button returned of result
		repeat with i from 1 to count theFiles
			set fileType to file type of (info for theFiles)
			if (fileType is "IDd4") then
				tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
					open theFiles
					set myInddDoc to active document
					repeat with t from 1 to count myInddDoc
						set user interaction level of script preferences to never interact
						set p to 1
						tell myInddDoc
							count every spread
							if (count every spread of myInddDoc) is greater than 1 then
								set hasSpreads to true
								set hasSpreads to false
							end if
							if hasSpreads is true then
								display dialog "One PAGE per slide or one SPREAD per slide?" buttons {"Page", "Spread"} with icon 1
								set slideType to button returned of result
								display dialog "What background color for the slides?" buttons {"Blue", "White"} with icon 1
								if button returned of result is "Blue" then
									set backgroundColor to {169, 183, 195}
									set backgroundColor to {250, 250, 250}
								end if
								if slideType is "Page" then
									set pageCount to count every page
									set PDFpreset to PDF export preset "PPMaker-Single Pages" of application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
								end if
								if slideType is "Spread" then
									set pageCount to count every spread
									set PDFpreset to PDF export preset "PPMaker-Spreads" of application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
								end if
								if hasSpreads is false then
									set PDFpreset to PDF export preset "Slide PDF Export" of application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
								end if
							end if
							set DocPath to file path as string
							set pageWidth to (page width of document preferences)
							set pageHeight to (page height of document preferences)
							set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"."}
							set RealDocName to first text item of DocPath
							set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
							set DocName to ((characters 1 thru 16 of RealDocName) as string)
							set PDFfile to TempPath & DocName & ".pdf"
							set page range to all pages
							export format PDF type to PDFfile using PDFpreset without showing options
							close saving no
						end tell
					end repeat
				end tell
				set weirdness to false
				if (fileType is "PDF ") then
					set pageCount to (do shell script "/usr/bin/mdls -name kMDItemNumberOfPages " & quoted form of POSIX path of theFiles & " | /usr/bin/grep -o '[0-9]\\+$'") as integer
					set {pageWidth, pageHeight} to paragraphs of (do shell script "mdls " & quoted form of POSIX path of theFiles & "| grep 'kMDItemPageHeight\\|kMDItemPageWidth' | awk '/ = / {print $3}'")
					set DocPath to file path as string
					set weirdness to false
					set weirdness to true
					error "PDF or InDesign documents only, please."
				end if
				if weirdness is false then
					set PNGDocPath to make new folder at TempPath with properties {name:(DocName & "_PNGs")}
					set PNGDocPath to (PNGDocPath as string)
					tell application "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
						set oldUnits to ruler units of settings
						set ruler units of settings to pixel units
						set oldColor to background color
						repeat with x from 1 to pageCount
							if pageHeight is greater than pageWidth then
								set theSide to {height:960}
								set theSide to {width:1280}
							end if
							set PDF_Options to {class:PDF open options, constrain proportions:true, resolution:128, mode:RGB, use antialias:true, page:x} & theSide
							open file PDFfile with options PDF_Options showing dialogs never
							set thisFile to current document
							tell application "Finder"
								set PNGDocName to name of thisFile
								set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"."}
								set PNGDocName to (first text item of PNGDocName)
								set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {DocName}
								set fileNum to second text item of PNGDocName
								set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
								set PNGDocName to "image" & fileNum
							end tell
							set PNG_File to save thisFile in file (PNGDocPath & PNGDocName) as PNG appending lowercase extension
							close PNG_File saving no
							set ruler units of settings to oldUnits
							set background color to oldColor
						end repeat
					end tell
					tell application "Finder"
						set FolderList to (every item of folder PNGDocPath whose name contains ".png")
						mount volume "afp://"
						open "Volume2:ABC Templates and Resources:Slide Templates:PPT Slide Template - Black.pot"
						tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
							set pptFile to DocPath & RealDocName & ".ppt"
							tell active presentation
								repeat with m from 1 to (count FolderList)
									set newSlide to make new slide at the end
									set picture_shape to make new picture at newSlide with properties ¬
										{lock aspect ratio:false, file name:((item m of FolderList) as string)}
									scale height picture_shape factor 1.0 scale scale from top left with relative to original size
									scale width picture_shape factor 1.0 scale scale from top left with relative to original size
									solid picture_shape
									set fore color of fill format of picture_shape to (backgroundColor as RGB color)
									set left position of picture_shape to (360 - ((width of picture_shape) / 2))
									set top of picture_shape to (270 - ((height of picture_shape) / 2))
								end repeat
								delete first slide
							end tell
							save active presentation in pptFile as save as presentation
							arrange windows arrange cascade
						end tell
						if keepPNGs is "Yes" then
							move folder PNGDocPath to DocPath
						end if
						set PNGDocPath to POSIX path of file PNGDocPath
						set PNGDocPath to quoted form of PNGDocPath
						do shell script "rm -rf " & PNGDocPath
					end tell
					error "File(s) not found. Try clicking the finder window that contains your file(s) and give it a second to refresh."
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end open

Thanks for any input!!

Hi Stacy McPants,

Lets tackle your questions here…

Yes this is the proper board for such questions.

I don’t think AppleScript Studio will help you at all… too quote Mr. Matt Neuburg

So that said if anything perhaps using a more feature rich editor as Script Debugger could provide you more flexibility in the future.

Finally I would say post the whole script here… There are plenty of us here who can take a look at it and it in turn might help someone else from having to reinvent the wheel themselves.

Hope that helps.

I posted the script in it’s entirety. Enjoy!

Hi Stacy,

I tried out your script, there are some problems.
First I would use relative paths to make the script portable,
then your repeat loop can’t work this way

here the beginning of the open handler

on open theFiles
    set CachesFolder to (path to library folder as Unicode text) & "Caches:"
    do shell script "rm -rf /Library/Caches/Scripting/PowerPoint\\ Maker/*"
    tell application "Finder"
        if not (exists folder (CachesFolder & "Scripting")) then
            make new folder at CachesFolder with properties {name:"Scripting"}
        end if
        if not (exists folder (CachesFolder & "Scripting:PowerPoint Maker")) then
            make new folder at CachesFolder & "Scripting" with properties {name:"PowerPoint Maker"}
        end if
        set TempPath to CachesFolder & "Scripting:PowerPoint Maker:"
        display dialog "Would you like to keep the PNG files after the PowerPoint file is made?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} with icon 1
        set savePNGs to button returned of result
        repeat with oneFile in theFiles
            set fileType to file type of (info for oneFile)

My first PDF I’ve tested has no file type, so I recommend to test also the name extension “.pdf”

set DocPath to file path as string

is a wrong expression, if you mean just the file path of the processed file use

set DocPath to oneFile as string

In this part also the variable DocName won’t be defined

to be continued… :wink:

very first thing I noticed was he repeat loop… you need to (when getting info for and opening) refer to a specific item within your array… not the array itself so example…

repeat with i from 1 to count theFiles
	set fileType to file type of (info for (item 1 of theFiles))
end repeat