AS Studio appl does not launch

Some people cannot launch an applescript Studio application (OS version 10.3.5).
I made the most simple AS Studio appl possible (one window, one text, one button)
and even this refused to launch. The appl bounched in the dock and that is all, no window,
Does anyone have an idea wat could cause this behavour?

Thanks in advance,

John dh

Yes, it is a permissions problem. Encourage your users to upgrade to StuffIt 8.0.2 (or 9.0) and uncompress again your app or, better, make a dmg file for your distributions, so permissions won’t be altered by StuffIt. Note, also, that Virex installs also the files “StuffitEngineShell.cfm” and “stuffit.framework” and overwrites any version of such files. So, if you installed StuffIt 8.0.2, then Virex 7.5, you have a permissions problem.