AS to VBS (InDesign)

Dear all,
Please find below applescript. I want to convert this script to vbscript or javascript. I don’t have any idea about vbs & jsx.

on run argv
	set thePath to (POSIX file (item 1 of argv)) as string--item 1 is any folder where indesign file reside
	--display dialog thePath
	set myFolderPath to (thePath & ":" & item 2 of argv & ":")
	set myFileName to item 2 of argv & ".indd"--item 2 is file name
	tell application "Finder"
		set AppKind to get the kind of file myFileName of folder myFolderPath
	end tell
	if AppKind is equal to "InDesign® CS3 Document" then
		tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
			--Open docuent
			set SavePath to (thePath & ":" & item 2 of argv & ":" & item 2 of argv & ".indd") --Get the complete path
			set myDocument to open (thePath) & ":" & (item 2 of argv) & ":" & ((item 2 of argv) & ".indd")
			-- Below 3 line code is checking for saved or modified
			if modified of myDocument is true or saved of myDocument is false then
				save myDocument to SavePath
			end if
			tell active document
					export format PDF type to (thePath) & ":" & (item 2 of argv) & ":" & (item 2 of argv) & ".pdf" using PDF export preset item 3 of argv without showing options
				on error
					export format PDF type to (thePath) & ":" & (item 2 of argv) & ":" & (item 2 of argv) & ".pdf" without showing options
				end try
			end tell
			close active document saving yes
		end tell
		tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
			--Open docuent
			set SavePath to (thePath & ":" & item 2 of argv & ":" & item 2 of argv & ".indd") --Get the complete path
			set myDocument to open (thePath) & ":" & (item 2 of argv) & ":" & ((item 2 of argv) & ".indd")
			-- Below 3 line code is checking for saved or modified
			if modified of myDocument is true or saved of myDocument is false then
				save myDocument to SavePath
			end if
			tell active document
					export format PDF type to (thePath) & ":" & (item 2 of argv) & ":" & (item 2 of argv) & ".pdf" using PDF export preset item 3 of argv without showing options
				on error
					export format PDF type to (thePath) & ":" & (item 2 of argv) & ":" & (item 2 of argv) & ".pdf" without showing options
				end try
			end tell
			close active document saving yes
		end tell
	end if
end run


Dear Poo,
If you don’t have any idea then I think you need to get the idea first then you can ask the relevant queries to us.
We are not able to convert entire script for you.
