Hello everyone!
I’ve been searching on macscripter and the web for this. But I can’t seem to find anything about it.
I have a package (a folder that acts as a file, like an app) that I want to open using a AS (and ultimatly ASOC) application. Now, my app works when you drag the package to the app but not when you double click the package.
I Have no idea how I can tell launch services that my app can handle this file nor how my script can recognize that it has been called using a application.
global Serialkey
on open theDropped
set droplet to "1"
set SerialPath to (theDropped) & "Content:SerialCode:key.txt" as text
set fileRef to open for access file SerialPath
set unparsedData to (read fileRef)
set olddelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set UnparsedSerial to text item 1 of unparsedData
set UnparsedSerialversion to text item 2 of unparsedData
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "="
set Serialversion to text item 2 of UnparsedSerialversion
set Serialkey to text item 2 of UnparsedSerial
display dialog Serialkey
close access fileRef
on error
close access file SerialPath
end try
end try
end open
on CheckKey_()
if droplet = "1" then
end if
on error
set Serialkey to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter Serial Code." default answer "Serial Code")
end try
set database to (do shell script "curl rid-mac.com/Test/Projects/SerialValidator/Remote.txt")
set md5hash to (do shell script "echo -n '" & Serialkey & "' | md5")
if md5hash is in database then
display dialog "Serial Code is correct"
display dialog "Serial Code is incorrect"
end if
end CheckKey_
Currently it searches for a txt file containing a serial in the package, but in the future the package will contain more information (e.g. Settings, New scripts, etc).
Thanks in forward!