ASOC on PPC machines

Is there any possible way to get an ASOC application to run on a PPC machine? or has apple completely removed support for PPC in snow leopard and the new Xcode?


Model: MacBook
AppleScript: Xcode 3.2.1
Browser: Safari 531.21.10
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)

Correct. Snow Leopard only runs on Intel Macs. I have several PPC machines I would love to have Snow Leopard on but that is just not going to happen.

What about ASOC applications built in snow leopard though? Can I still use Xcode to build universal applications? or have they removed that too?

Same thing. ASOC only works on Snow Leopard, which in turn, only works on Intel machines. If you want to build universal applications in AppleScript you will need to stay with AppleScript Studio. You could also move up to using Objective-C and creating Cocoa apps. That is a long road but well worth the effort.

I know it is a bummer but progress only moves in one direction and new technology makes the old obsolete.

It’s worth keeping in mind that ASObjC relies partly on changes made to AS itself in Snow Leopard, so that makes going backwards doubly (or more) impossible.