is it possible to create an autoinstaller on an usbstick?
The User plugs in an usb device (flash rom, usbstick, usb harddrive) and when the os has found the device an applescript on the
device should start an installation program…
Do you think that this is possible?
On Windows Maschines this autoinstaller is working, but on Mac I haven´t seen this…
An out of the box solution that works on every (unknown) Mac will be hard to find
However, when you install a (stay-open with idle handler, timed, QuicKeys, whatever) script on a host Mac that periodically calls the following repeat loop, it will open any file whose name contains “autoexecUSB” on any removable volume.
tell application "Finder"
set rvs to (name of the disks whose local volume is true and name is not "Network")
repeat with rv in rvs
open (every file of folder rv whose name contains "autoexecUSB")
end repeat
end tell
do shell script "sleep 30" -- or any other idle time, not necessary in idle scripts
Note: with this, your Mac is a security risk to anyone who knowingly uses this to execute illegal code