automatic duplication of files as they are imported

Does anyone know of a script or program that will automatically copy files, as they are imported into a source folder, to a remote backup folder.

Basically, I am shooting images on my digital camera (tethered into my laptop), and want to have the images automatically back themselves up to multiple external hard drives.

Any help on this subject would be divine.


Browser: Firefox 1.0.4
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

The devil, as always, is in the details. What you want here is called a Folder Action Script attached to the folder the images go to from the camera, which duplicates (the word you want) each camera file to another folder whose address is known in advance (presumably already mounted if it’s physically remote). If the backup device is slow, you might have to deal with that or risk missing files. It is very straight-forward to rename the duplicate file if you want to do that. Does multiple external drives infer that there is some sorting to happen or duplicates to all. Are the externals, thumb drives with different names?

Something like this with the appropriate names filled in for the generic terms here:

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
	set drive_name to "my_drive's_name"
	tell application "Finder"
		if drive_name is in (name of disks) then
			duplicate file "Main_Drive:Users:username:Documents:folder:file" to folder "my_drive's_name:folder:" with replacing
			say "file copied successfully"
			eject disk drive_name
			say "Transfer Complete"
		end if
	end tell
end adding folder items to

In the AppleScript Utility,
- click "Setup Actions". in the dialog,
- click "Enable Folder Actions".
- click the plus sign on the column labeled "Folders With Actions". Choose any random folder (we will change this later) and click Open.
- in the dropdown box, choose the script that you just saved. Click Attach.
- now double-click the folder name that you chose, in the left column. It will become editable.
- in the editable text box, type "Volumes". This sets the folder action script to act when something is added to /Volumes.
- close the AppleScript Utility.

or if you want to leave out the chat:

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
	tell application "Finder"
		if ("my_drive's_name") is in (name of disks) then
			duplicate file "Main_Drive:Users:username:Documents:folder:file" to folder "my_drive's_name:folder:" with replacing
			eject disk "my_drive's_name"
		end if
	end tell
end adding folder items to