Backup defined by network connection!

Hello People.

Need some help here, been using duplicate file/folder for a while, but i need to backup over network,
using a wireless macbook, what i need is a script to test for internet connection every 5 min using ping.

if there is no active connection, i want to stop a running backup script, and start it again when connection
comes back, im using do shell script and rdiff-backup so far and need to continue to do so…

this is what i got now, but the init_backup script is not working as wanted, when i run it from script editor
it seem to work but not right :/…

i start with starting the backup program on boot. and then start the check for connection, and it closes the
test1 application when no connection was found, 5 min later it started up the test1 program again but got
timeout, and this is here im stuck. pretty sure the problem are in init_backup script

Backup Files

 -- This is saved as an application and started on boot using hide option
 -- Want this to backup every 3 hours
repeat with shotcount from 1 to 100
 do shell script ("/opt/local/bin/rdiff-backup ~/Library/Mail/ user@hostname::/home/user/rdiff-restore/Library/Mail/`date +%d_%m_%y`")
 delay (60 * minutes) -- delaytime
end repeat

init_backup script

-- Check network connectin and start/stop application
repeat with shotcount from 1 to 100
	-- Server IP
	set DNS_LookUp to ""
	-- Shell script to ping backup server
	set DNS_CMD to "ping -q -c 1 " & DNS_LookUp & " | grep \"packet loss\" | awk '{ print $7 }'"
	-- Tell script to send ping request
	set DNS_Report to do shell script DNS_CMD
	-- If ping request return null or to high loss, close application
	if DNS_Report = "" or DNS_Report = "100%" then
		-- Find and close application
		set Process_Id to do shell script "ps ax | grep test1 | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'"
		-- If ID was found, kill application.
		if Process_Id is not "" then
			do shell script ("kill -9 " & Process_Id)
		end if
		-- Check if application is found in process list
		tell application "System Events" to get name of every process
		set ProcessList to result
		-- Start backup application
		if ProcessList does not contain "test1" then
			tell application "test1" to activate
		end if
	end if
	-- Delay ping request
	delay (5 * minutes)
end repeat


– mkh