Basic Codes


I am new to AppleScript, now only i started to learn, please tell how to create a “paragraph style”, a “color”, “preference setting” through apple script. Because these basic codes helps me to learn fast and easier.

And also please help how to learn fast AppleScript.

Thanks in advance for all the helping hands…


Hi and welcome to MacScripter,

first of all: this is the OS 9 forum, if you’re using OS X, please post into the OS X forum.

AppleScript itself has no idea what a “paragraph style”, a “color” or “preference setting” is (o.k. it knows at least “color” ;))
the script language is actually a bridge to talk to different applications and share informations.

You must probably find one or more applications, which have the ability to perform your desired tasks.
You can find helpful tutorials here on ScriptWire