I wonder if anyone can help me please. I regularly have to change a large number of Word Documents (.doc) to Text files (.txt) by hand - converting them from a specified folder and saving them as text file formats in another. Is it possible to do this using an AppleScript?
Any help or thoughts would be hugely appreciated. It would save me a lot of time!
I’m not really a Microsoft Office guy (I’m more like iWork) but this should do it:
set sourceFolder to choose folder with prompt "Where are the Word files?"
set destFolder to choose folder with prompt "Where do you want to save the text?"
set allFiles to list folder sourceFolder without invisibles
repeat with i in allFiles
set myfile to (sourceFolder as text) & i
set destfile to (destFolder as text) & i & ".txt"
if validateWordDocument(myfile) then
tell application "Microsoft Word"
open myfile
set myDocument to document myfile
save as myDocument file name destfile file format format Unicode text
close document destfile -- Word automatically changes to saved document
end tell
end if
end repeat
on validateWordDocument(filename)
set filename to filename as alias
local exts
set exts to {"doc", "docx"}
set fext to name extension of (info for filename)
log fext
return fext is in exts
on error
return false
end try
end validateWordDocument
Here is my solution which doesn’t use Ms Word at all.
I had already written it when I saw Iefs post so I submit it as well
The initial starting paths for choosing folders can be adjusted. I assumed you will get your word documents from within your documents folder, and your converted files into a folder on the desktop.
What happens here:
You choose a folder with doc and or docx files to convert to text files.
You choose a folder which the text files will be stored in.
We convert them one by one and stores them with a txt extension to the default folder.
-- Converts doc and docx files to text files using utf-8 encoding which is all right for western text.
set {tids, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, "."}
set docDir to choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder with some Word files" default location (path to documents folder)
set txtDir to choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder were the converted doc files converted will be stored\nYou can make a new folder from here." default location (path to desktop folder)
tell application "Finder"
set docFiles to (every document file of folder docDir whose (name extension is in {"doc","docx"} )) as alias list
set txtDir to (POSIX path of txtDir)
repeat with aDoc in docFiles
set thisDoc to contents of aDoc
set the item_path to the quoted form of the POSIX path of thisDoc
set the item_name to (text item 1 of text items of (get name of thisDoc))
set out_file to quoted form of (txtDir & item_name & ".txt")
set res to do shell script "textutil -convert txt -output " & out_file & " " & item_path
on error e number n
display dialog "An error occurred during conversion of : " & item_path & ": " & n & e
end try
end repeat
end tell
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
easiest version, it puts the converted files into the source folder
textutil changes the name extension automatically
set sourceFolder to choose folder
tell application "Finder" to set theFiles to files of sourceFolder whose name extension is in {"doc", "docx"} or creator type is "MSWD"
repeat with oneFile in theFiles
do shell script "textutil -convert txt " & quoted form of POSIX path of (oneFile as text)
end repeat
I just added this comment to add that there was a bug in my solution that is now fixed.
It was a misspelled variable name.
Still I get an error number −10004 in the Script Editors console I just can’t understand that happens because
the files are converted correctly. (The −10004 reads like some sort of privilege violation ).