Hi I’m a newbie to both Applescript and Automater but it all seemed staight forward until…
I’m tying to batch process a bunch of audio files. Luckily the audio app has a library of commands available to Automater that do everything I need. So, I’ve built an Automater flow and plugged some gaps with Applescript (closing files ect). The flow works great on a single file but I really need it to work on a batch of files. If I target a folder of files Automater tries to rip through them instantly (it does open each file) but unfortunately the App is still processing the first file by the time Automaters gone through the whole folder!
So what I need is a ‘wait for application to finish processing’ before moving on to the next file. Can Automater do this or do I need to try and do this all in Applescript? If so any pointers to waiting for Apps in Applescript?!
it’s quite difficult to answer without knowing which application are you talking about,
but there are at few ways to perform a controlled delay.
The most comfortable way is, if the app has a busy or processing property in its dictionary.
Another way is to check the size of the new created file (if there is one ;)) and go on, when the size stops increasing
I’m using the rather excellent Sound Studio 3 (http://felttip.com/blog/?page_id=12). I got it through the Mac Heist offer. After using Peak for a few years I realised it was way beyond what I needed and from what I can see Adobe’s Soundbooth can’t batch files either. Sound Studio has a small library for Automater and is open to Applescript. (I don’t have shares!)
I’m building an audio player for a website (http://www.backtoblackvinyl.com) and have 600 audio files to trim to 60 seconds!