I have a droplet that takes my ai files and converts them to jpgs. Problem is that it has been randomly skipping files when I drag a group of files to the droplet. Is this a common problem? Is there a solution? Here is the code that selects the file(s).
Also when it creates a list of the files you have selected how does it process them, I mean does it process tham randomly or does it process them by their names, modification date, size, etc? Thanks
on open theFiles
end open
--if dropped then this is skipped
on run
choose file with prompt "Hold cmd or shift for Multiple Selections" with multiple selections allowed without invisibles
end run
on processfiles(theFiles)
--choose where to save your eps files
set theChoice to choose folder with prompt "Choose jpg file destination." without invisibles
set choicePath to theChoice as string
--create a list of the files you are going to process
set theFiles to theFiles as list
repeat with aFile in theFiles
set aFile to aFile as alias
set dropPath to choicePath
set dupNames to {}
set moveToPath to dropPath
set modTime to (current date) as string
--open illustrator and begin eps conversion
tell application "Illustrator CS"
set theImage to open aFile --open and process one of the files
set thisDoc to current document