Black over Printing

Hello all,

I am working for pre publishing company.
I have some question regarding the Black overprinting in 4 color books.

Our customer sends us the ART files, which is in EPS format. I get around 300 to 1000
art files at a time. but, that images are not set to Black overprint.
We have to open one by one and check for the black color and set black overprint to that.
it takes lot of time.

I would like to know is there are any automatic tool or a script or software available in the market
to apply black overprint automatically for bulk of art files.



here are some tricks:

  • change EPS to PDFs by dropping them onto Acrobat Distiller with proper settings, use Enfocus Pitstop to change black to overprint: one can an action inside pitstop what does the trick

  • if You do not want to use them or can not, You can set “overprint” option to “100% black” in printing software or in printers RIP.

or one can make monsterapplescriptworkflowautomatoraction for this…
