Bold text in dialog boxes

Is there a way of making text in dialog boxes bold?

I’ve got the following text ion a dialog box …

display dialog "Safari Window Resizer" & r & r & "A small app to quickly tidy up your browser windows." & r & r & "The app resizes 10 Safari windows (max.) to a convenient maximised size but with the right hand side slightly short so that you can still see your HD." buttons {"Cancel", "Cool! Let's do it!"} default button "Cool! Let's do it!"

…And I’d like the script name < Safari Window Resizer > to be in bold.



display alert "Safari Window Resizer" message "A small app to quickly tidy up your browser windows." & r & r & "The app resizes 10 Safari windows (max.) to a convenient maximised size but with the right hand side slightly short so that you can still see your HD." buttons {"Cancel", "Cool! Let's do it!"} default button "Cool! Let's do it!"

Could you use the [applescript] and [/applescript] tags when posting AS code here, please?

Done. Sorry for not doing it when I initially made the post.

I don’t suppose you know how to crack the issue I posted about do you?


Doesn’t the script in post #2 do what you want? It uses ‘display alert’ instead of ‘display dialog’. I’ve assumed that your variable ‘r’ is set earlier in the script.