Bookmarking using Bookmarks.plist

What command adds bookmark to x folder in Safari Bookmarks.plist by editing Bookmarks.plist, not using GUI Scripting?

Example: add bookmark named “Apple” with URL “” to folder “Bookmarks Bar>Mac>Apple”.

Also how to read what sub-folders (atleast one level) that bookmark folder has?

I looked inside Bookmarks.plist but its too complicated to my skills.

Macintosh HD:Users:lelu:Library:Safari:Bookmarks.plist

Just the menu folder, or would you also want folders on the Bookmark Bar as well folders that are not underneath the menu (i.e., those listed under BOOKMAKRS when you Show All Bookmarks)?

I dont have any bookmarks in “Bookmarks Menu”, all my bookmarks are in “Bookmarks Bar”, so i need only bookmarks in “Bookmarks Bar”. Thanks

Also i would like to add some additional information to bookmark like star rating or tags. I know that if this info is added to plist-file, Safari dont show it, but is it possible to add new sibling?

I’m still looking for this information. This must be very easy to do, but i cant figure it out. Thanks