I needed to get and old script going to move data from a Filemaker Pro file into a Quark file. This worked fine for quite some time, but the computer on 9.1 is going away. I need it to work on OSX 10.4 and it errors at several point… can anyone give me pointers of what needs to change?
tell application “FileMaker Pro”
open “Erdelt HD:AdvTextPrgm:AdText.fp7”
tell document 1
set x to cell “Event” of record 1
end tell
end tell
tell application “QuarkXPress”
open ¬
“Erdelt HD/AdvTextPrgm/AdvTextSupportÆ’/Cir.Text Work Pg." remap fonts no do auto picture import no use doc prefs yes tell application "QuarkXPress" to set import styles to false tell document 1 set story 1 to alias "Erdelt HD:AdvTextPrgm:AdvTextSupportÆ’:Textported”
tell story 1
set (every text where it is “<\n>”) to return
save in alias “Erdelt HD:AdvTextPrgm:AdvTextSupportÆ’:TempText" end tell tell application "QuarkXPress" to set import styles to true set story 1 to alias "Erdelt HD:AdvTextPrgm:AdvTextSupportÆ’:TempText”
set Filepath to ("Erdelt HD:AdvTextPrgm:NewQuarkTextFiles:AdvText " & x)
tell application “QuarkXPress”
save document 1 in Filepath with replacing
close document 1 saving no
end tell
tell application “Finder”
set file type of alias Filepath to “XDOC”
end tell
end tell
end tell
My guess is that every hardcoded pathname must be edited because they are written for a disk organised the OS9 way.
If you are working with a single Hard Disk I assumes that the pathname would be something like:
“Erdelt HD:Users::Documents:822996.rtf”
which may be built thru
set docuFolder to (path to documents folder from user domain) as Unicode text
set path1 to docuFolder & “822996.rtf”
Assuming that I am right this will give something like:
set docuFolder to path to documents folder from user domain
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
open docuFolder & "AdvTextPrgm:AdText.fp7"
tell document 1
set x to cell "Event" of record 1
end tell
end tell
tell application "QuarkXPress"
open ¬
docuFolder & "AdvTextPrgm:`AdvTextSupportÆ’:Cir.Text Work Pg." remap fonts no do auto picture import no use doc prefs yes
tell application "QuarkXPress" to set import styles to false
tell document 1
set story 1 to alias docuFolder & "AdvTextPrgm:`AdvTextSupportÆ’:Textported"
tell story 1
set (every text where it is "<\\n>") to return
save in alias docuFolder & "AdvTextPrgm:`AdvTextSupportÆ’:TempText"
end tell
tell application "QuarkXPress" to set import styles to true
set story 1 to alias docuFolder & "AdvTextPrgm:`AdvTextSupportÆ’:TempText"
set Filepath to (docuFolder & "AdvTextPrgm:NewQuarkTextFiles:AdvText " & x)
tell application "QuarkXPress"
save document 1 in Filepath with replacing
close document 1 saving no
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set file type of alias Filepath to "XDOC"
end tell
end tell
end tell
CAUTION, with Mac OS X I’m not sure that inserting periods in filenames is a good idea because the period is the name extension delimiter
Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE jeudi 5 octobre 2006 20:36:8)
More than just the paths, – open “Erdelt HD:AdvTextPrgm:AdText.fp7”-- works just fine…
the line – set x to cell “Event” of record 1 –
errors on – cell “Event”–, so I don’t know if it is script terminology or within Filemaker Pro???