broken script in Indesign CC

We have upgraded from ID CS6 to ID CreativeCloud. Of course nothing is easy.
I have a script that imports three PDF files. In CS6 it works correctly, but in CC the PDFs are now being centered in the graphic boxes instead of aligning to the top. Any thoughts? Here is the code:

tell application "Finder"
	set volume_ to "G1"
	if (list disks) does not contain volume_ then
		mount volume "smb://graphics101/G1"
		--display dialog "volume is now mounted"
		--display dialog "volume is already mounted"
	end if
end tell

tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2014"
	set myRotateMatrix to make transformation matrix with properties {counterclockwise rotation angle:270}
	set myKTRotateMatrix to make transformation matrix with properties {counterclockwise rotation angle:180}
	set my_dialog_result to display dialog "Job Number?" default answer "" buttons {"Branded", "Generic", "cancel"} default button "Branded"
	set button_returned to the button returned of my_dialog_result
	set JobNum to the text returned of my_dialog_result
	set MyDestFolder to "G1:CentralPDFProofs:" & JobNum & ":"
	set MyArtPDF to "G1:CentralPDFProofs:" & JobNum & ":" & JobNum & "art.pdf"
	set MyBCPDF to "G1:CentralPDFProofs:" & JobNum & ":" & JobNum & "bc.pdf"
	set MySheetPDF to "G1:CentralPDFProofs:" & JobNum & ":" & JobNum & "sheet.pdf"
		tell application "Finder"
			set MyJobFolder to (name of 1st folder of folder "G1:Art Department 2:Work Files2:" whose name begins with JobNum) as string
			set myDestFile to "G1:Art Department 2:Work Files2:" & MyJobFolder & ":" & JobNum & "proof.indd"
		end tell
	on error
		set my_lost_folder to display dialog "Crap, I can't find that folder. Should I put this in the PDF folder?"
		tell application "Finder"
			set MyJobFolder to (name of 1st folder of folder "G1:CentralPDFProofs:" whose name begins with JobNum) as string
			set myDestFile to "G1:CentralPDFProofs:" & MyJobFolder & ":" & JobNum & "proof.indd"
		end tell
	end try
	if button_returned = "branded" then
		open file "macintosh HD:Users:DAVID:Desktop:PDF-VIDS.indt"
		open file "macintosh HD:Users:DAVID:Desktop:PDF-GENERIC.indt"
	end if
	tell document 1 to set view preferences's ruler origin to page origin
	set rulerOrigin to ruler origin of view preferences
	if rulerOrigin is not page origin then set ruler origin of view preferences to page origin --(spread origin/page origin/spine origin)
	tell page 1 of document 1
		set myBox1 to make rectangle with properties {geometric bounds:{0.1, 0.1, 4, 8.4}, stroke weight:"0"}
		tell myBox1
				place file MyArtPDF
			on error
				display dialog "ART missing"
			end try
		end tell
	end tell
	tell page 2 of document 1
		set myBox2 to make rectangle with properties {geometric bounds:{0.1, 8.6, 5, 16.9}, stroke weight:"0"}
		tell myBox2
				place file MyBCPDF
			on error
				display dialog "BC missing"
			end try
		end tell
	end tell
	tell document 1 to set view preferences's ruler origin to page origin
	tell page 3 of document 1
		set myBox3 to make rectangle with properties {geometric bounds:{0, 8.5, 11, 17}, stroke weight:"0"}
		tell myBox3
				place file MySheetPDF
				--fit myBox3 given center content
				--set absolute rotation angle of contents of myBox3 to 90
			on error
				display dialog "SHEET missing"
			end try
		end tell
		--display dialog "ok"
		--display dialog "ok"
		transform myBox3 in page coordinates from center anchor with matrix myRotateMatrix
		move myBox3 by {1.25, -1.25}
		set geometric bounds of myBox3 to {0, 11, 11, 19.5}
		move myBox3 by {-2.5, 0}
		--display dialog geometric bounds of myBox3 as string
	end tell
	set MyDup to duplicate myBox3 to page 2 of document 1
	tell page 2 of document 1
		set geometric bounds of MyDup to {0.44, 0.14, 3.1, 2.85}
		move MyDup by {2.5, 5.375}
		--		tell MyDup
		--			set geometric bounds of MyDup to {5.67, 0.45, 8.36, 12.05}
		--			move by {2.5, -0.215}
		--		end tell
		transform MyDup in page coordinates from center anchor with matrix myKTRotateMatrix
		--	set geometric bounds of MyDup to {0, 8.5, 2.5, 11.125}
		--	move MyDup to {11.5, 5.5}
		--	set rotation angle of MyDup to 180
	end tell
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2014"
		save document 1 to myDestFile
	end tell
end tell

When you create the rectangles, you need to set the fitting alignment of their frame fitting options to an appropriate value.