Browse - Paste - Open email - Goto URL - Done

I have never done this and am curious to know if it’s even possible, although I think I’m about to be impressed. Thanks for any help you might have.

Here’s what I need

  1. Open Safari

  2. Go to

  3. Fill in the 4 separate form/text fields, title, location, description & email.

  4. Click ‘no email’

  5. Hit ‘Continue with this posting’

  6. Hit ‘Process this posting’ on following page

  7. Open up Entourage

  8. Click on the first randomly generated link in the email from ‘

  9. Auto repeat at recurring intervals, let’s say 1 hour

  10. Done :slight_smile:

Am I crazy or is this a piece of cake?

Hmmm… Could you briefly explain before I put my real mail address in an absolutelly unknown site? 8)

Yikes! :slight_smile:
Replace the first bunch of steps with a form-posting piece of code. Either search for: web form post
here in the BBS, using ALL-terms-matching, or check out my page(s) at Web Form Posting (I have more if you just go to

I don’t have Entourage, so can’t help you with #7 and #8, although they don’t sound hard. #9 is just setting up an “on idle” handler, that returns 1*hours.

Post a response here if you need more help.


did you ever get this one figured out?

I’d like to use it if you did.

