Browser Displaying Hidden Items

I’m trying to put together a browser which will show all of the contents of a computer’s hard drive, including the hidden items. I’ve looked at the demo code ("Browser"in the AppleScript Examples folder), but I can’t seem to get my head around it, and the built version only shows the visible items, not the hidden ones. I tried just copying the code, but it wouldn’t work for me (a whole bunch of errors). I’ve never used any type of data view before, so I’m in over my head here. :shock: Could anyone sort me out?


Ok, I managed to get the browser to display information. The problem is, when I only have one disk, then the browser only displays one item in each column. The problem is solved when I have another disk (like a CD). Can anyone help me on that. Also, I still can’t figure out how to display hidden items.

Here is all of the code:

on number of browser rows theObject in column inColumn
	if (count of diskNames) is greater than 1 then
		if inColumn is 1 then
			set rowCount to (count of diskNames)
			tell browser "Browser" of window "browser"
				set thePath to path for column inColumn - 1
			end tell
			tell application "Finder"
				set rowCount to count of items of item thePath
			end tell
		end if
	end if
	return rowCount
end number of browser rows

on will display browser cell theObject in column inColumn browser cell browserCell row theRow
	if inColumn > 1 then
		tell browser "Browser" of window "browser"
			set thePath to path for column inColumn
		end tell
	end if
	tell application "Finder"
		if inColumn is 1 then
			set cellContents to displayed name of disk (item theRow of diskNames as string)
			set isLeaf to false
			set theItem to item theRow of item thePath
			if class of theItem is folder or class of theItem is disk then
				set isLeaf to false
				set isLeaf to true
			end if
			set cellContents to (displayed name of theItem as string)
		end if
	end tell
	set string value of browserCell to cellContents
	set leaf of browserCell to isLeaf
end will display browser cell

on will finish launching theObject
	tell application "Finder"
		set diskNames to (name of every disk) as list
	end tell
	set rowCount to (count of diskNames)
end will finish launching