Call a CLI executable in the Resources directory?

I am working on a small GUI front end to a CLI application that I would like to distribute with my package.
Previously I required the user to copy the CLI executable to \usr\bin.

I dragged and dropped the executable into the Resources Directory in Xcode and when I build the application it is in ./Contents/Resources/ directory, but I don’t know how to change my code to reference the new path.

Here is my existing code.

do shell script ("/usr/bin/hdhomerun_config " & theID & " get /tuner0/status")

This should work:

set cliTool to quoted form of POSIX path of ((path to me as Unicode text) & "Contents:Resources:hdhomerun_config")
do shell script cliTool & " " & theID & " get /tuner0/status"

This should also work, but only on Mac OS X 10.4 or later:

set cliTool to quoted form of POSIX path of (path to resource "hdhomerun_config")
do shell script cliTool & " " & theID & " get /tuner0/status"

Finally, with AS Studio, you can also do this (bundle class):

set cliTool to quoted form of ((resource path of main bundle) & "hdhomerun_config")
do shell script cliTool & " " & theID & " get /tuner0/status"

Worked perfect thanks for the response!