Call for Automator Actions!

Hi all …

As some of you may know, we have been madly updating MacScripter, which will bring with this update a massive Automator Actions section. :smiley:

This is our curtain call to engage all developers who are actively working on Actions for your applications, or scripts. If you are developing actions, we would love to host your work(s) and collaborate with you in every way we can.

If you wish to upload your Actions to, please contact me directly, or feel free to contact Hanaan Rosenthal [hanaan AT].

We look forward to Automator and what this technology will bring to the Applescripting Community.

Thanks in Advance!

Hello everyone,

Yes, new stuff, and if I may submit my wish, I’d like an action or workflow that allows me to select specific folders and access the Get Info window, so that I can change the folder icon.

Seems many workflows are held up because there is a step that has no action, such as Get Folder Info, so it’d be nice to find smaller more specific actions, like menu commands or key strokes, such as is found in Keyboard Maestro or similar.

Many thanks.