I’m trying to create a droplet that will convert .NEF (raw) files from my Nikon camera to TIFs. I can do this by hand just fine via Preview. It opens the files and allows me to save as a 16bit TIS file. I can then open it in the old version of Photoshop that I have on this machine.
When I try to build an action in Automator, I can get it to make a copy of the file and there is one Preview action step called “Change Type of File”, but it does not seem to do anything and the file still can’t be opened in PS.
I have also tried Raw Conversion 1.1, but it also does not change the file format or even the name of the file.
Right now my droplet looks like this…
¢ Copy Finder Items (Desktop, Replace existing files)
¢ Change Type of Images (To Type: TIFF)
I’m new to Automator. Is there a last step that I can’t seem to find that saves the Change Image Type and then changes the file name? Or is this something I need to add some specific applescripting to? Anyone?
Model: G5 Tower
Browser: Firefox
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)