Can I map custom characters to normal uppercase equivalents?


I’m about being finished with catch all case conversion and identifying handlers for unicode text with AS.

There are however still some mapping to be done.

See: Listing of unicode characters

I have some questions

Can I for instance map the lowercase character Latin Small Letter C with curl : “É•” ( utf value 0255) to “C” ?
” Will this be right for any cases you know of in particular?
-I can’t say I have seen this in any Germanic language which I speak, read and write.
And can I do this in all similar cases? And finally: is there any exceptions to this?

This question is for you fancy Roman descended and Non Northern Germanic language users: Hungarian, Finnish, Polish, French, Italian, Spanish and so on.
Please do share your expertise with me. I would like to make as good case conversion routines as possible, and can’t do without you.

Thanks and Best Regards


Anybody having any idea about the proper way to relate say a character with diacritics. to the uppercase version.
Can I always take for granted that if there doesn’t exist an uppercase version of a small somehow customized character, that it is the nearest matching uppercase which should be used, lest the character be inverted or reversed .

It would really be nice to get an answer to this question because it is both time and errorprone to hardcode the strings with uppercase and matching lowercase characters.

It would suffice if those of you that knew about some exceptions to the rules, if any, answered.

I really want to get done with oddities before somebody actually finds it useful.

Any reference to the mappings between upper and lowercase would also be appreciated.

Best Regards
