Can not save file to created folder

I’m having trouble getting the Indesign CS2 document to save in the folder that I created in my SaveFolder. Can any one help me out. I know it should been simple, but maybe I have been starring at this for to long and it is not jumping out at me.

tell application "Finder"
	set SaveFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select Folder to Save Impo Files"
	set product_number to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the Product Code Number" default answer "0000") as string
	set inset_number to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the Inset Number" default answer "000") as string
	display dialog "Choose the Win Size" buttons {"Large", "Small", "Seal"} default button "Small"
	set win_size to button returned of result
	set ImpoFolder to make new folder in SaveFolder with properties {name:inset_number}
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
		set WinForm to "WIN FORM #"
		set myDocument to make document
		tell document preferences of myDocument
			set page width to "8.5 in"
			set page height to "11 in"
		end tell
		tell myDocument
				set LayerName to layer "Image layer" of myDocument
			on error
				set LayerName to make layer with properties {visible:true, locked:false, name:inset_number}
			end try
			set SpotColor to make color with properties {space:CMYK, color value:{0, 0, 0, 100}, name:inset_number}
			set properties of SpotColor to {model:spot}
		end tell
		tell myDocument
			set WinFormFrame to make text frame with properties {geometric bounds:{"0", "0", ".1389", "1.5"}, contents:WinForm & inset_number}
			tell WinFormFrame
				set vertical justification of text frame preferences to bottom align
				set justification of paragraphs to left align
				set applied font of paragraphs to "Helvetica (TT)"
				set font style of paragraphs to "Bold"
				set point size of paragraphs to 12
				set fill color of paragraphs to SpotColor
				set overprint fill of paragraphs to true
				set leading of paragraphs to auto
			end tell
			tell active document
				set save_name to ("FORM " & inset_number) as string
				set myFileName to ImpoFolder & save_name as string
				save to myFileName
			end tell
			close document saving no
		end tell
	end tell
	display dialog "The Impo's Have Been Made" buttons {"Done"} default button 1
end tell

I think your references to the folder might need some adjustment. I would try changing the tell active document part at the end to this. I did not have a chance to test this so I hope it works…

tell active document
set save_name to ("FORM " & inset_number) as string
set dest_path to ImpoFolder as string
set myFileName to (dest_path & ":" & save_name)
save to myFileName
end tell

Thanks Matt-Boy
It still didn’t work.
Indesign crashes and I get an error
that the connection is not valid.