Can you broadcast notifications to all computers? Can notifications be "sticky"?

This code sends a notification to user at machine.local:

tell application "Finder" of machine "eppc://user@machine.local"
	display notification "Notification." with title "Message Title" subtitle "Message Subtitle" sound name "Frog"
end tell

Is it possible to send a notification like this to all computers on the network? I run a script on one machine but have a lot of other computers that I often sit at and I want to be notified wherever I am (possibly also on iOS-devices).

Furthermore, is it possible to make the notifications “sticky”, that is, that it must be acknowledged before it disappear? Right now they appear and disappear after a few seconds.

You could create a list of machines and usernames, and loop thru them

set machineList to {"eppc://super@Mac-mini-2012.local", "eppc://super@Mail.local"}
repeat with aMachine in machineList
	set aMachine to contents of aMachine
		with timeout of 3 seconds
			using terms from application "Finder"
				tell application "Finder" of machine aMachine --"eppc://super@Mac-mini-2012.local"
					display notification "Notification." with title "Message Title" subtitle "Message Subtitle" sound name "Submarine"
				end tell
			end using terms from
		end timeout
	on error errMsg
		display alert errMsg giving up after 1
	end try
end repeat