Where I work, we take client files and print them large on foamcore and also create routing paths to machine-cut these files out - like movie characters for the theatre lobby, stuff like that. I’d like to be able to select an object or multiple objects or group(s) or clip group(s), copy and paste to another layer, then put them through a series of pathfinder operations to basically strip them down to just a basic path of the shape as a whole. I’m fairly new to AppleScripting, but I’ve made some simple scripts work to do some of this work for me - but not the other functions. Am I missing something? I can find nothing about just simply uniting one path with another, let alone what I’d like to accomplish. Here’s the steps I’d like to get AppleScript to perform:
Expand… Fill & Stroke
Duplicate any clipping paths to front
Pathfinder: Minus Front
Pathfinder: Merge
Pathfinder: Unite
Offset Path: .0001 inch and Unite with original
Simplify: Curve - 100%, Angle - 180°
That takes care of about 98% of all items and would make our lives much easier if I can get past this pathfinder hurdle. Any advice?
Model: Mac Pro (early 2009)
AppleScript: 2.6
Browser: Firefox 25.0
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.8)