Can't figure out the syntax to merge 2 cells in Numbers

I have written a script using Xcode applescript that makes up our monthly work schedule in a numbers document. There are a few cells I would like to merge together eg. one set is cells A2 and B2 but I can’t find a syntax eg of how to do this. I have found merge in the dictionary so I am pretty sure it can be done.

One other thing is, is there a way to change the border colour?

Hi, Mikepet. Welcome to MacScripter.

Merging cells turns out to be easy. You just have to merge their ‘range’.

-- Merge cells "A2" and "B2" in table 1 of sheet 1 of the front document.
tell application "Numbers"
	tell document 1
		tell table 1 of sheet 1
			merge range "A2:B2"
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

That’s not so easy. There’s nothing about borders in Numbers’s dictionary and I suspect that GUI Scripting couldn’t do it either.

Thanks Nigel
I figured it would be easy but could not figure out the syntax. I was trying various brackets, never thought of quotes. As far as borders go… that was wishful thinking :slight_smile: