can't make content into type unicode text.....HELP PLEASE!!!!!

Hey kids… so another late night question. I have finally figured out how trigger the change the ttiles of radio buttons with a “title” but unfortunatley, when I try the same thing using a

    set title of cell 1 of matrix "location" of window "main" to contents of text field "six" 

I get an applescript error:

    Can't make contents of «class texF» "six" of «script» into type Unicode text. (-1700)

I have tried:

     set title of cell 1 of matrix "location" of window "main" to contents of text field "six" as a string

as well as:

      set title of cell 1 of matrix "location" of window "main" to contents of text field "six" as unicode text

But to no avail. Please someone, anyone! What can I do to solve this error?


It’s probably not a Unicode issue but a reference issue. You have specified the full reference of the cell in the matrix but not for the text field (you need the window and, perhaps, any other element it is in such as a box). Assuming they are in the same window, try this:

tell window "main"
	set title of cell 1 of matrix "location" to contents of text field "six"
end tell

or, more precisely (and concisely):

tell window "main" to set title of cell 1 of matrix "location" to string value of text field "six"


Ok I did fail to mention, that the text field “six” is in a drawer of the window “main”. I tried your two examples both came up with the same error:

Can’t set «class texD» of «class texF» “six” of window “main” to «class texD» of «class texF» “six” of window “main”. (-10006)

COUld you perhaps point me in some direction with this new bit of info I have provided?

-Thanks. APpreciate the help.

Getting closer… Update the drawer name accordingly:

tell window "main" to set title of cell 1 of matrix "location" to string value of text field "six" of content view of drawer "drawer_name"


Wow. Props. So where do you want me to plant that big sloppy kiss!!!

Thanks again, now I can sleep.