I’m trying to call a very lengthy script I have from this script (saved as an App.). However, for some reason the files I’m trying to save in the long script are causing the finder to trip my try - on error - end try statements embedded in that script. The files get copied/shifted, but trigger an error on completion of the copy/shift.
I’ve tried the calling script without the file renaming lines, but the problem still occurrs.
If I don’t call the long script from this script, but instead give the finder time to idle, then manually use the long script, the long script works fine.
Any hints as to what’s going on, and how to fix it, please.
EDIT the error code is 8726 or 8704
on run
tell application "Finder"
set tempSwitch to my ReadFile2(".SwitchMailManagerFlag")
if tempSwitch = "OFF" then
say "Mail Manager ON"
my WriteFile3(".SwitchMailManagerFlag", "ON")
set TheDesktopDisk to (path to startup disk) as text
set temp to the path to me as text
set the name of file temp to "Switch OFF Mail Manager"
end try
run script alias (TheDesktopDisk & "Library:Scripts:Folder Action Scripts:Mail Item Mover.scpt")
my WriteFile3(".SwitchMailManagerFlag", "OFF")
say "Mail Manager OFF"
set temp to the path to me as text
set the name of file temp to "Switch ON Mail Manager"
end try
end if
end tell
end run
on WriteFile3(TheFileName, TheWriteItem)
set PathToDesktop to path to desktop as Unicode text
set TheFileName to (PathToDesktop) & TheFileName as text
set fRef to (open for access file TheFileName with write permission)
set eof fRef to 0
write TheWriteItem to fRef starting at eof
end try
close access fRef
end WriteFile3
on ReadFile2(TheFileName)
set PathToDesktop to path to desktop as Unicode text
set TheFileName to (PathToDesktop) & TheFileName as text
tell application "Finder"
set WholeList to read file (TheFileName)
return WholeList
on error
return {}
end try
end tell
end ReadFile2
Model: 24" al. imac
AppleScript: latest for 10.5
Browser: Safari 525.20.1
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)
I’ve written a small version of the script to show what happens, and it crashes with an ‘Apple event timed out’ after shifting the new files.
There are two scripts, a revised version of the script above, which must be saved as an Application, and the second, which must be save as a script called ‘Mail Item Mover’, both on the desktop. Run the App.
If anyone would be kind enough to download and set these up and run them, it would be much appreciated.
on run
set PathToDesktop to path to desktop as Unicode text
tell application "Finder"
set tempSwitch to my ReadFile2(" SwitchMailManagerFlag")
if tempSwitch = "OFF" then
say "Mail Manager ON"
my WriteFile3(" SwitchMailManagerFlag", "ON")
set temp to the path to me as text
set the name of file temp to "Switch OFF Mail Manager"
end try
run script alias (PathToDesktop & "Mail Item Mover.scpt")
--set TheDesktopDisk to (path to startup disk) as text
--run script alias (TheDesktopDisk & "Library:Scripts:Folder Action Scripts:Mail Item Mover.scpt")
my WriteFile3(" SwitchMailManagerFlag", "OFF")
say "Mail Manager OFF"
set temp to the path to me as text
set the name of file temp to "Switch ON Mail Manager"
end try
end if
end tell
end run
on WriteFile3(TheFileName, TheWriteItem)
set PathToDesktop to path to desktop as Unicode text
set TheFileName to (PathToDesktop) & TheFileName as text
--set TheFileName to (PathToDesktop) & "Mail Printing Folder:" & TheFileName as text
set fRef to (open for access file TheFileName with write permission)
set eof fRef to 0
write TheWriteItem to fRef starting at eof
end try
close access fRef
end WriteFile3
on ReadFile2(TheFileName)
set PathToDesktop to path to desktop as Unicode text
set TheFileName to (PathToDesktop) & TheFileName as text
--set TheFileName to (PathToDesktop) & "Mail Printing Folder:" & TheFileName as text
tell application "Finder"
set WholeList to read file (TheFileName)
return WholeList
on error
return {}
end try
end tell
end ReadFile2
Save this as script called ‘Mail Item Mover’
on run
set PathToDesktop to path to desktop as Unicode text
tell application "TextEdit"
repeat while exists window 1
close window 1 saving no
end repeat
end try
tell application "System Events" to tell process "TextEdit"
click menu item "New" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
keystroke "s" using {command down, shift down}
tell window 1
set x to 0
repeat until sheet 1 exists
delay 0.1
set x to x + 1
if x = 150 then exit repeat
end repeat
if exists checkbox 2 of sheet 1 then
if (value of checkbox 2 of sheet 1) = 1 then click checkbox 2 of sheet 1
end if
click pop up button 1 of sheet 1
click menu item "Desktop" of menu 1 of pop up button 1 of sheet 1
click button "Save" of sheet 1
set temp to name
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists folder "This is a test") then make new folder with properties {name:"This is a test"}
set x to 0
set temp2 to name of file (PathToDesktop & temp)
if not (exists file temp in folder "This is a test") then exit repeat
set x to x + 1
set temp to x & temp2 as text
end repeat
set the name of file (PathToDesktop & temp2) to temp
move file (PathToDesktop & temp) to folder "This is a test"
on error ErrName number errNum
display dialog ErrName & return & errNum
end try
end tell
end tell
end tell
repeat while exists window 1
close window 1 saving no
end repeat
end try
end tell
end run
Nevermind folks, I found the answer. Turns out it’s (sometimes) a bug to run a script without loading it first.
I altered the following lines, and all appears well.
set TheDesktopDisk to (path to startup disk) as text
set ScriptSource to (load script alias (TheDesktopDisk & "Library:Scripts:Folder Action Scripts:Mail Item Mover.scpt"))
tell ScriptSource to run