captruing audio from text to speach

Is it possible to capture the audio(via applescript) from an applescript that speaks some text?

Browser: Firefox
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Sure, Mike (the sound is captured silently):

say "Isn't it nice to save my voice?" using "Victoria" saving to (path to desktop as Unicode text) & "Victoria.aiff"

Thanks kai, that works great. I thought it would be alot more trouble than that.
Another question, If I’m running this scpt from the command line using osascript, how can I get a path the script itself?

I know path to me won’t work, but I’m looking to get the path to itself

say “I am a wacko” using “Junior” saving to (path to me text) & “wacko.aiff”

Path to me works here, Mike. Try:

tell application "Finder" to say "I am a wacko" using "Junior" saving to (container of (path to me) as Unicode text) & "wacko.aiff"

(Edit: While the original script worked, using the Finder to define the path to the script’s container may be preferable.)

Thanks alot kai, I appreciate your help