Case statement

Yes, it exists in AppleScript.
Read the AppleScriptLanguageGuide, a PDF file downloadable for free from the Apple’s web site.

Yes, it’s one of the possible arguments of ‘considering’ and ‘ignoring’. But it only works in direct comparisons. The ‘offset’ command is case sensitive regardless.

considering case
	if character 3 of "Hello" is "L" then beep
	if "L" is in "Hello" then beep 2
	if (offset of "L" in "Hello") is 3 then beep 4
end considering
--> Silence
ignoring case -- the normal state of affairs 
	if character 3 of "Hello" is "L" then beep
	if "L" is in "Hello" then beep 2
	 (offset of "L" in "Hello") is 3 then beep 4
end ignoring
--> 3 beeps

As far as I know, there’s no direct vanilla way to change the case of a character, though it can be done with a few lines of script.