Change background color of a row based on a specific value it contains

Well I’m back again! I’ve found the tutorials on this forum really helpful, and the reply I got to my previous post was genius and it helped solve a big problem for me, so I figured I’d try my luck once more.

I know some find/replace script. I know how to change a cell’s colour. But what I don’t know, is how to combine them to do one, very specific task, so I’m hoping you guys can help out one more time.

I have a spreadsheet with 4 columns, A through D. In column D, every couple of cells (but not every cell), there is the word “correct.” What I want my script to do is this:

  1. search through column D and find every instance of the word “correct”

  2. when it identifies the word “correct” I want it to highlight the entire row yellow (across columns A through D, but only the specific row that “correct” shows up in. So if cell D4 has the word “correct” I want the script to colour cells D4, C4, B4, and A4.)

  3. when it encounters a cell without the value “correct” I want it to do nothing, and continue its sequential search for the word “correct” and when it encounters it, highlights the row it lives in, from A to D, yellow.

I’m fairly sure this is possible, but I think it’s calling on something specific that maybe I haven’t learned how to do yet. Any help would be really appreciated, thanks everyone!

EDIT: Sorry I neglected to mention specifically that this was for Excel.

You can modify the previous script and add

tell interior object of theRange
set color to {0, 255, 0} -- green
end tell

Thanks for your help! I tried to incorporate it but when I run the script nothing actually happens (no error messages, but also no changes to any cell colours either). This is the script I have so far.

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	tell active workbook
			set theRange to find column 4 what "correct" look in values look at whole search order by rows without match case and match byte
		on error
			set theRange to missing value
		end try
		if theRange is not missing value then
			tell interior object of theRange
				set color to {0, 255, 0}
			end tell
		end if
		repeat until theRange is missing value
				set theRange to find next column 4 after theRange
			on error
				set theRange to missing value
			end try
			if theRange is not missing value then
				tell interior object of theRange
					set color to {0, 255, 0}
				end tell
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

any thoughts on where I’m going wrong?

In the previous post I used:

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	tell workbook 1
		tell worksheet 1

tell active workbook doesn’t work

Update: I see that you forget to break, the script will run forever now. Use the same technique as your previous topic

Why won’t active workbook work?

Also, doesn’t workbook 1 specifically call on an open workbook that’s currently called “workbook 1”? If so, then that won’t work for my entire script, as I’m trying to design it so that it can format any open workbook when it’s run.

Third, I ran this script (both with my active workbook and a workbook titled ‘workbook 1’) and it never stopped (arguably it never even started, nothing changed, it just kept running for 6+ minutes until I shut it down)

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	tell workbook 1
		tell worksheet 1
				set theRange to find column 4 what "correct" look in values look at whole search order by rows without match case and match byte
			on error
				set theRange to missing value
			end try
			if theRange is not missing value then
				tell interior object of theRange
					set color to {0, 255, 0} -- green
				end tell
			end if
			repeat until theRange is missing value
					set theRange to find next column 4 after theRange
				on error
					set theRange to missing value
				end try
				if theRange is not missing value then
					tell interior object of theRange
						set color to {0, 255, 0} -- green
					end tell
				end if
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

It doesn’t work with workbooks, find works with sheets not work with workbooks.

Workbook 1 is the first workbook opened that is still open. So when you open three documents and closes the first, workbook 1 will refer to the second document since it is the first open document. You can also refer to workbook by it’s title using a string instead of integer identifier. like:

tell workbook "Workbook1"
end tell

If you want to work with the front most sheet you can use active sheet

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	tell active workbook
		tell active sheet
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

Here the complete script:

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	tell active workbook
		tell active sheet
				set theRange to find column 1 what "correct" look in values look at whole search order by rows without match case and match byte
			on error
				set theRange to missing value
			end try
			if theRange is not missing value then
				set matchedRow to first row index of theRange
				tell interior object of range ("$A$" & matchedRow & ":$D$" & matchedRow)
					set color to {255, 0, 255}
				end tell
			end if
			repeat until theRange is missing value
					set theRange to find next column 1 after theRange
				on error
					set theRange to missing value
				end try
				if theRange is not missing value then
					tell interior object of range ("$A$" & first row index of theRange & ":$D$" & first row index of theRange)
						set color to {255, 0, 255}
					end tell
					if first row index of theRange < matchedRow then exit repeat
					set matchedRow to first row index of theRange
				end if
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

Ah thanks again!

I managed to catch my workbook v. worksheet error right as you posted this. Next step is to get the highlighting to stop, and not go beyond the cell with the word “correct” in it. I’ll give that a swing this afternoon!

Thanks again!

I implemented that in the code above as well :slight_smile: It keeps track if the first row index of the previous match is not bigger than the current match.

Update 1: I read it again and I think I misunderstood, you meant not exceed column 4?
Update 2: I updated the code above which makes a range to column 4 and set background ground color to purple (for testing purpose)

Oh that’s wonderful! Thanks again for your help!