Change case of text in a file? uppercase lowercase

I’m trying to create a script that will examine the contents of a text file and change the case of the text in that file to/from lowercase/uppercase. The file is formatted like this…


Each line ends with a return and has 13 positions comma delimited. All I need is for the script to prompt me for which item of every line needs to have it’s case changed. Can I get it to read the first line as a list, then prompt me to choose the item to fix, then have the script change the case of that same item in each line and save the file?

Does this make any sense?

Probably. :wink:

--	Unless you're working with a *really huge file*, it's usually easier
--	to read the entirety of a file's contents into memory:
--	set dataFile to choose file
--	set fileContent to read dataFile

--	debugging:
set fileContent to "A1B2C3D45678,HCC107-3024,HCC107-3024,,,,,,,,,,,

--	Before we break the text apart, we should save the line-ending
--	character that the file uses:
	set lineEnding to character (1 + (length of paragraph 1 of fileContent)) of fileContent
on error -- the file contained only one line
	set lineEnding to ""
end try

--	We want to remove a final line ending character before getting
--	"every paragraph"
if (character -1 of fileContent = lineEnding) then ¬
	set fileContent to text 1 thru -2 of fileContent

--	Each line is a record:
set fileContent to every paragraph of fileContent
--	{ "A1B2C3D45678,HCC107-3024,...", "1A2B3C4D5678,HCC107-4581", ... }

--	Each comma delimits a Cell of data:
set astids to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
	repeat with i from 1 to length of fileContent
		set (item i of fileContent) to every text item of (item i of fileContent)
		--> { "A1B2C3D45678", "HCC107-3024", ... }
	end repeat
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astids
on error e number n from f to t partial result p
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astids
	error e number n from f to t partial result p
end try

--> { { "A1B2C3D45678", "HCC107-3024", ... }, { "1A2B3C4D5678", "HCC107-4581", ... }, ... }

--	We want to show the user a modified version of the first record.
--	We use "copy" rather than "set" to protect the original data:
copy item 1 of fileContent to userSelect

--	Modify the cells such that they indicate their position in
--	the record:
repeat with i from 1 to length of userSelect
	--	Zero-pad the index. This will make parsing the user's
	--	choice easier later on:
	set num to text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & i) -- ie: "01", "02", ..., "10", ...
	set item i of userSelect to "Cell " & num & " : " & (item i of userSelect)
end repeat

--> { "Cell 01 : A1B2C3D45678", "Cell 02 : HCC107-3024", ... }

set userChoice to choose from list (userSelect) ¬
	with prompt ("Please select cells whose case is to be changed.") ¬
	cancel button name ("Quit") ¬
	OK button name ("Change Case...") ¬
	multiple selections allowed (true) ¬
	empty selection allowed (false)

--	userChoice is either:
--		false						User selected the "Quit" button.
--		{ "Cell XX : ...", ... }		User's choices.
--	Note: If we had specified "empty selection allowed (true)", then
--	      the value returned might also be an empty list.
if (userChoice = false) then return -- OR quit OR error number -128

--	Now, let's ask the user what case to give each cell:
repeat with i from 1 to length of userChoice
	set displayCell to item i of userChoice --> "Cell XX : ..."
	set thisOperation to button returned of ¬
		(display dialog ("How should this cell be modified?" & ¬
			return & return & displayCell) ¬
			buttons {"lowercase", "UPPERCASE"})
	--	Let's grab the index:
	set num to text 6 thru 7 of displayCell -- grab "XX" out of "Cell XX..."
	--	Listify each userChoice:
	set item i of userChoice to {num as number, thisOperation}
	--> ie: { 5, "lowercase" }
end repeat

--> { { 5, "lowercase" }, { 7, "UPPERCASE" }, ... }

repeat with i from 1 to length of fileContent

	set oneRecord to item i of fileContent

	repeat with j from 1 to length of userChoice

		set {num, op} to item j of userChoice --> ie: { 5, "lowercase" }

		set oneCell to item (num) of oneRecord

		if (op = "lowercase") then

			set oneCell to MakeLowercase(oneCell)
			set oneCell to MakeUppercase(oneCell)

		end if

		set item j of oneRecord to oneCell

	end repeat
end repeat

--	All modifications have been made. We now coerce the records and cells
--	back into a string:

--	Insert the commas:
set astids to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
repeat with i from 1 to length of fileContent
	set (item i of fileContent) to ¬
		(item i of fileContent) as string
end repeat

--	Insert the returns:
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to lineEnding
set fileContent to fileContent as string

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astids

--> ie:
--		"hcc107-3024,hcc107-3024,HCC107-3024,,,,,,,,,,,
--		hcc107-4581,hcc107-4581,HCC107-4581,,,,,,,,,,,
--		hcc107-4582,hcc107-4582,HCC107-4582,,,,,,,,,,,
--		hcc107-4583,hcc107-4583,HCC107-4583,,,,,,,,,,,"

--	You can now write this content back to the same file:
--		set openedFile to open for access dataFile with write permission
--		set eof openedFile to 0
--		write fileContent to openedFile
--		close access openedFile
--	or to be safe, write it to another file:
--		set openedFile to open for access (choose file name) with write permission
--		set eof openedFile to 0
--		write fileContent to openedFile
--		close access openedFile

--	Er... sorry, I can't locate my internationally-friendly
--	version at the moment.
property LowerLetters : "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

on MakeLowercase(str)
	set astids to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		repeat with i from 1 to 26
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to character i of UpperLetters
			set str to every text item of str
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to character i of LowerLetters
			set str to str as string
		end repeat
	on error e number n from f to t partial result p
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astids
		error e number n from f to t partial result p
	end try
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astids
	return str
end MakeLowercase

on MakeUppercase(str)
	set astids to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		repeat with i from 1 to 26
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to character i of LowerLetters
			set str to every text item of str
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to character i of UpperLetters
			set str to str as string
		end repeat
	on error e number n from f to t partial result p
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astids
		error e number n from f to t partial result p
	end try
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astids
	return str
end MakeUppercase