One of the new features of Adobe Photoshop Elements 4 is the support of AppleScript… but…
I have several AppleScript to automate my workflow in Adobe Photoshop CS…
These scripts running in Elements 4 , but only one think i can’t do… change the profile of the image…
The Color Support of Elements is really diferent… but in the dictionary i see that is supported…
Nobody can help me?
i put:
and the error…
I try several syntax formules…
Thanks in advance…
p.d. sorry but my english is not good
upsss tontoa naizela!!!
I can’t (i don’t know) use photoshop elements to do this… but ColorSync can do…
now is running ok!!!
i do a AppleScript to do this with photosho CS or Photoshop elements 4
at the end i use this…
in photoshop elemens i can know what profile is use the image…
set sourceProf to color profile name
and with ColorSyncScripting
tell application "ColorSyncScripting"
set sourceProf to profile sourceProf
set destProf to profile "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"
proof thisFile from source sourceProf to destination destProf
end tell