Change font in QuarkXpress

The script below is meant to change text in the current text chain which has B Sabon Bold as its font to Sabon (fake bold). However, it only changes the first few instances. Anyone know why?

tell application "QuarkXPress 4.11"
		with timeout of 900 seconds
			repeat 10 times
				set properties of (every word of current box whose font is
"B Sabon Bold") to {style:bold, font:"Sabon"}
			end repeat
		end timeout
	end try
end tell

beep 2 --Let the user know it's finished

set properties of (every word of current box whose font is

should probably read “every word of story 1 of curent box…”

That worked! Tanks a lot

Anyway to change the syntax to get nonprinting characters (paragraphs, tabs, etc.)?