Change labels in Address book?

Hi there!
I am looking for a script that allows me to change the labels (e.g. phone: business to private) of entries.
I have unfortunately no knowledge in applescript yet and maybe some of you have solved this problem already. Any help is very much appreciated!!!
Thanks in advance!

best regards,

wolf wrobel

Browser: Safari 417.9.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Just worked this out for you.

tell application "Address Book"
	set selPerson to selection
	repeat with thisPerson in selPerson
		repeat with theirPhone in every phone of thisPerson
			get properties of theirPhone
			--get label of theirPhone
			--set label of theirPhone to "home"
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell

here is a better example

i just ran this on my address book

mobile numbers allways start with 04 and i wanted to set the label of all these to mobile, i have a few set as fax for people with 2 mobiles so i chose to on change the ones that were set as home , hope this helps.

set lisst to {}
tell application "Address Book"
	set selPerson to selection
	repeat with thisPerson in selPerson
		set theirName to ""
		repeat with theirPhone in every phone of thisPerson
			if value of theirPhone begins with "04" and label of theirPhone is "home" then
				set label of theirPhone to "mobile"
				set lisst to lisst & label of theirPhone & value of theirPhone
			end if
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell

Thanks so much and sorry for answering so late!!!

worked perfectly!!!

thanks again!

all the best,
