I am trying to change the justification on a column in a table to right aligned. That is my final goal, but in the mean time, I have simplified the whole thing for testing and I would be satisfied to change the justification on anything.
The following works:
tell application "InDesign CS"
tell active document
tell text frame 1
tell table 1
tell text 1 of every cell
set properties to {applied font:"Arial", font style:"Regular", point size:12}
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
So I know I have ahold of something. However, if I try to right align the text:
tell application "InDesign CS"
tell active document
tell text frame 1
tell table 1
tell text 1 of every cell
set properties to {justification:"right aligned"}
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
I get an error:
“InDesign CS got an error: Can’t set properties of text 1 of every cell of table 1 of text frame 1 of active document to {justification:“right aligned”}.”
I have tried both “right” and “right aligned” If I get the properties within the same tell block, justification is in there.
Any ideas?