What unix command changes currently logged in non admin users password?
Here’s a good way to find out what’s available. It produces an alphbetized list of all unix functions available on your machine in a document on your desktop. One looks interesting: pwpolicy - see it’s man page.
do shell script "echo $PATH | sed -e 's/:/ /g' | xargs -J % find % -maxdepth 1 \\( -type f -or -type l \\) | xargs basename | sort | uniq | xargs whatis 2> /dev/null | grep -E '\\((1|1m|6|8)\\)' | perl -ne '($name, $descrip) = m/^(.*?)\\s+- (.*)$/; $name =~ s/\\((1|1m|6|8)\\)//g; printf(\"%-30s - %s\\n\", $name, $descrip)' > ~/desktop/Unix_Functions.txt"