Hi all,
i’m looking for an Applescript that can change specific passwords in the keychain.
I work in a company that is totally windows based. We have a few co-workers who work with MAC.
The password expires every 90-days. When my password is changed every company website i visit, i need to log in again.
On Windows this works with Single Sign On.
Now i was looking for a script that can ease the pain when i have changed my password.
Something like this:
- insert “CurrentPassword”
- insert “NewPassword”
- Replace “CurrentPasword” with “NewPassword”
If “Password” is equal to “CurrentPassword” set “NewPassword”.
I have no experience with Applescripting or scripting in General.
So i was hoping that someone could help me with.
Most people of the company work with Mavericks.
THANKS in advance