Change Passwords in Keychain

Hi all,

i’m looking for an Applescript that can change specific passwords in the keychain.
I work in a company that is totally windows based. We have a few co-workers who work with MAC.
The password expires every 90-days. When my password is changed every company website i visit, i need to log in again.

On Windows this works with Single Sign On.
Now i was looking for a script that can ease the pain when i have changed my password.

Something like this:

  1. insert “CurrentPassword”
  2. insert “NewPassword”
  3. Replace “CurrentPasword” with “NewPassword”

If “Password” is equal to “CurrentPassword” set “NewPassword”.

I have no experience with Applescripting or scripting in General.
So i was hoping that someone could help me with.

Most people of the company work with Mavericks.

THANKS in advance

Hi Callench,

So what you’re trying to do is store an internet password so that you can login automatically? I’ve never done this myself, but it sounds interesting. Although, I wouldn’t know how to test it. It usually is done automatically with the browser.

Or are you just trying to create a password in your own private keychain that you created? I know how to do this and script it with a little review.


Hi Callench,

And btw, while I’m reviewing this, you can look at ‘man security’ in Terminal.

Edited: one more thing. You can manually change the internet password in Keychain Access I think.
