Changing plist item


I recently read an article on macword on hiding menu bar and dock for specific applications. I wanted to make a applescript droplet to either insert or delete that property item depending on it current state.

I use grep to check if the preference exist, and use sed to remove it if it does exist. But i don’t know how to insert it if it doesn’t exist.

Here’s what I’ve got so far. Could you help me complete it?

on open names
	tell application "System Events" to set infoPlist to (application file of names & "Contents:Info.plist")
	read from file infoPlist
	-- Check if the Presentation mode already exist
	set keyexist to text of (do shell script "grep -c LSUIPresentationMode " & (POSIX path of infoPlist))
	if keyexist is not 0 then
		-- remove the key
		set theData to text of (do shell script "sed 's/<key>LSUIPresentationMode<\\/key>//' " & (POSIX path of infoPlist))
		set theData to text of (do shell script "sed 's/integer>4<\\/integer>//' " & quoted form of theData)
		-- insert the key
		set thiskey to "<key>LSUIPresentationMode</key>
		-- I need help here..
	end if
	write to file infoPlist
end open

on read from file pathName
	-- Open the file so that we can read it in
	set theFile to open for access (pathName as POSIX file)
	-- Read the data in
	set theData to read theFile as string
	-- Close the file
	close access theFile
end read from file

on write to file pathName
	-- Open the file for writing
	set theFile to open for access (pathName as POSIX file) with write permission
	-- Write the data
	write theData to theFile as string
	-- Close the file
	close access theFile
end write to file


there is a much easier way to do this with the defaults command of the shell

on open names
	repeat with i in names
			((i as Unicode text) & "Contents:Info.plist") as alias -- check if Info.plist exists
			set infoPlist to quoted form of POSIX path of ((i as Unicode text) & "Contents:Info")
				do shell script "defaults read " & infoPlist & " LSUIPresentationMode"
				do shell script "defaults delete " & infoPlist & " LSUIPresentationMode"
			on error
				do shell script "defaults write " & infoPlist & " LSUIPresentationMode 4"
			end try
		end try
	end repeat
end open

grep will throw an error when it doesn’t find anything; You’ll often see it used like this:

-- the rest of the script

	-- grep shell script
	-- grep found a match, do this
on error
	-- grep didn't find a match, do something else
end try

-- the rest of the script

However, in this case, instead of doing the work of writing to the file yourself, I would just use the defaults command:

script userDefaults
	property _domain : ""
	on readKey(_key, _defaultValue)
			do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults read " & _domain & space & quoted form of _key
		on error
			return _defaultValue
		end try
	end readKey
	on writeKey(_key, _value)
		do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults write " & _domain & space & quoted form of _key & space & quoted form of _value
	end writeKey
end script

on run
	choose file of type {"APPL"} with prompt "Change `LSUIPresentationMode` for this application: " without invisibles
	open {result}
end run

on open theseItems
	set thisItem to (first item of theseItems) as Unicode text
	tell userDefaults
		set it's _domain to quoted form of POSIX path of (thisItem & "Contents:Info") -- `defaults` will add ".plist"
		readKey("LSUIPresentationMode", "0")
		if result is "0" then
			writeKey("LSUIPresentationMode", "4")
		else if result is "4" then
			writeKey("LSUIPresentationMode", "0")
		end if
	end tell
end open

Thanks all for the fast reply. It worked perfectly. I did add the -int option because it needs to be number. Cheers.

	do shell script "defaults write " & infoPlist & " LSUIPresentationMode -int 4"

I thought I share the fruit of this droplet with everyone here as well. Cheers.


You can toggle the dock with keystrokes also:

tell application "System Events"
	keystroke "d" using {command down, option down}
end tell
