Changing Posix Path according to user input

Hi @ all,

I’m just working on a script that creates a simple GUI for a terminal based application.

In order to make it run smoothly I would like the user to enter her or his username.

The input should then influence the path: “/Users/<input_by_user>/Desktop/test.txt”

Does anyone of you has an idea how to manage that?

Thanks in advance


Model: MacBook, 2GHz, 4GB RAM, 320GB
AppleScript: newest
Browser: Firefox 3.0
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)


it’s probably not necessary to enter the user name

POSIX path of (path to desktop) & "test.txt"

points to the file “test.txt” on desktop of the current user

Hi Stefan,

again: Thanks for the quick reply.

Unfortunately I need a bit more: I need the link to the home-directory.

I tried simply home, but AS considers it as a variable. I dnt really understand why, since in other scripts i just viewed, the home-attribut works as it should.

Do you have any clou, how to define the home-directory?

Thanks again viele Grüße nach nebenan…


POSIX path of (path to home folder)

is the same like


in the terminal

That’s it!!!

Thanks a lot. An afternoon’s work is over!!!

All the best


If you want them to choose a file, you could do something like this:

set x to choose file
set y to POSIX path of x

That will give you the entire path of the chosen file as text.

Hi cwt,

thanks for this hint. Probably I wont need it for this script, but I’ve just started with this whole thingy, so rather sooner than later I will need that tip.

Thanks a lot.

All the best


See also: path to (folder)

Actually, you’ve probably already got it in your script. If you’re having the user choose ( x ) the file, then you’ve got an alias of the file. If you need the posix ( y ) path, you just need to set it. By the way, I should have used “the quoted form of” in my example:

set y to the quoted form of POSIX path of x