Character style in InDesign


This script it is looking for a word but how can I get it to find more than one word?
Sorry if this is too easy for some of you but I am a newbie… :confused:

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
	set find preferences to nothing
	set change preferences to nothing
	tell document 1
		set changeStyle to character style "ITALIC"
		tell text frame 1
			set mySelection to (object reference of every word whose (1st character is "[") and (last character is "]"))
			repeat with i from (count of mySelection) to 1 by -1
				set applied character style of (item i of mySelection) to changeStyle
			end repeat
			search for "[" replacing with "" without case sensitive and whole word
			search for "]" replacing with "" without case sensitive and whole word
		end tell
	end tell
end tell