Cheating Affiliates

Scuse my noobisms, but it is possible to automate a regular click through on a chosen link of an internet browsers home page to occur every few minutes? e.g my home page is yahoo. I want my browser to automatically open a window when i switch my computer on, then click on the first news headline at the top of the page thus redirecting me to the latest reuters headline. I want it to do this process once every five minutes. Is it possible with applescript?


Model: powerbook G4
Browser: Netscape/7.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Hi tg550,

This script uses the ‘Top News’ RSS feed to find the link to the latest story on Reuters:

set sourceText to do shell script "curl [url=]"[/url]

set text item delimiters to "<item>"
set sourceText to second text item of sourceText
set text item delimiters to "<link>"
set sourceText to second text item of sourceText
set text item delimiters to "</link>"
set sourceText to first text item of sourceText

open location sourceText