In my script I want to launch two apps one after another by a simple
tell application "app1" to launch
tell application "app2" to launch
But as the first app takes more time to launch, if have to wait until it has finished launching, before i can fire up the second one. How can I test if the launch has completed?
Thanks for your suggestions! The second one is the one I am searching for. Unfortunately it doesn’t work. Still both apps are being launched immediately. I tried it with Photoshop (#1) and Textedit (#2), as Photoshop takes a very long time until it has finished.
This seemed to keep Mail from opening until Excel was loaded. Perhaps a similar workaround could be fashioned for your app1.
set firstApplication to "Microsoft Excel"
set secondApplication to "Mail"
launch application firstApplication
set testName to ""
set checkName to "x"
repeat until testName = checkName
set testName to name of window 1 of application firstApplication
set checkName to name of window 1 of application firstApplication
end try
end repeat
launch application secondApplication
Well, it assumes that app 1 opens a window. I tried the script exactly as you posted it, but my Excel starts window-less and therefore the script can’t set “testName”.
set firstApplication to "Microsoft Excel"
set secondApplication to "TextEdit"
launch application firstApplication
set z to false
repeat while (not z)
tell application "System Events"
tell process firstApplication
set z to (exists entire contents of first UI element)
end tell
end tell
end repeat
launch application secondApplication
It even works with apps that have no windows and reside in the menu only, like ShoveBox, Butler etc.
I’m guesing that my sucess testing for a window depended on using Excel2004 and/or having a Personal Macro Workbook. In Excel 2008, that would cause an issue.