Check wheter it is a PPC or an Intel?

Hi Folks,

is it possible to check wheter the Mac is an Intel or a PPC?

Reason: We are distributing a driver on our website which was faulty in the release 2.3 - we now want our customers to check which release they are using (2.3 or 2.6) - for this I have built a small Applescript:

set ls_rec to do shell script "cd /Library/Receipts; ls"
if ls_rec contains "HuaweiDataCardDriver(2.6)" then
display dialog "Ihre Treiber Version ist 2.6" & return buttons {"OK} default button 1
else if ls_rec contains "HuaweiDataCardDriver(2.3)" then 
display dialog "Ihre Treiber Version ist 2.3" & return buttons {"OK"} default button 1
display dialog "Bitte laden Sie die aktuelle Version auf Ihren Mac"
if button returned of result is "OK" then open location ""
end if

Has anybody a clue how to check wheter it is an Intel or a PPC? The Drivers we got from the vendor are not binary, so I want not only send the customers to the correct webpage, but send them to the correct drivers for their hw…

Thanks for your help!


Hi Stefan,

yes, this is very easy

system attribute "sysa"
--> 1 = 68k
--> 2 = PPC
--> 10 = Intel

Hi Stefan,

thanks again for your help! This was really very easy… Funny I haven´t found anything about this…

Best Regards,
