Choose file issue

Can anyone help with this one?

Want the user to choose a file but I want to limit the file types they can pick.

Easy in standard AS, but how do I do it in Studio?

Appears that the usual ‘without invisibles’ etc don’t work…or is it me…

Thanks in advance.

I didn’t have any problems with the choose file command. I set up a test app and connected the following two bits to menu items in the main menu.

on choose menu item theObject
	if name of theObject is "chooseFile" then
		set thePrompt to "Choose the file you want to open..."
		set theTypes to {"TEXT", "APPL"}
		set theMultiples to false
		set theLocation to "Macintosh HD:Users:jed:Desktop:" as alias
		set myFile to choose file of type theTypes with prompt thePrompt default location theLocation multiple selections allowed theMultiples without invisibles

		display dialog (myFile as string)
	(* I used this to check for wierd file types *)
	else if name of theObject is "getFileType" then
		set thePrompt to "Choose the file you want the type for..."
		set myFile to choose file with prompt thePrompt
		set theType to file type of (info for myFile) as string
		display dialog theType

	end if
end choose menu item
