Choose from list, Always on top?

Is there a way to set display dialog or choose from list to always be on top?

set floating of me to yes

I just purchased pandora one and I am trying to control it via Bonjour. This is the script I have to test everything locally.

set theCommands to {"1. Next", "2. Play/Pause", "3. Thumbs Up", "4. Thumbs Down", "5. Quit"}
set meRunning to true
repeat while meRunning
	activate me
	set theOption to ""
	set theOption to (choose from list theCommands with prompt "Pandora") as string
	if theOption is "false" then error number -128
	if theOption is "1. Next" then
		tell application "Pandora"
			tell application "System Events" to key code 124
		end tell
	else if theOption is "2. Play/Pause" then
		tell application "Pandora"
			tell application "System Events" to keystroke " "
		end tell
	else if theOption is "3. Thumbs Up" then
		tell application "Pandora"
			tell application "System Events" to keystroke "+"
		end tell
	else if theOption is "4. Thumbs Down" then
		tell application "Pandora"
			tell application "System Events" to keystroke "-"
		end tell
	else if theOption is "5. Quit" then
		set meRunning to false
	end if
end repeat

Also is there a way to have display dialog or choose from list to move to a designated spot on the screen on every repeat? As of right now it always defaults to the center of the screen.