Is there a way to add a function to my script to choose which pages I want to print from a multi-page Quark document.
set thePrinter to "Printergy"
tell application "Printer Setup Utility"
set current printer to first printer whose name is thePrinter
end tell
tell application "QuarkXPress Passport"
tell front document
set file_name to name as text
tell print setup
set printer type to "Prinergy Refiner"
set paper size to "custom"
set paper width to "11.08"
set paper height to "13.08"
set paper offset to 0
set page gap to 0
set reduce or enlarge to "100%"
set fit in area to false
set page position to center position
set orientation to portrait
set separation to false
set print spreads to false
set include blank pages to false
set print thumbnails to false
set back to front to false
set page sequence to all pages
set registration marks offset to "15"
set bleed to ".125"
set tiling to off
set data format to binary data
set print colors to composite CMYK
set print quality to normal
set resolution to 2540
set halftone screen to 200
end tell
set page_count to count pages
set page_name to name of page 1
repeat with i from 1 to page_count
set page_name to name of page i
set i to page_name
set file_path to path to the desktop as text
set PSFILE_PATH to (file_path & "CO_LX9_" & i & ".ps") as text
print (page i) PostScript file PSFILE_PATH
tell application "Finder"
set FILE_CHECK to false
repeat until FILE_CHECK is true
if exists alias PSFILE_PATH then set FILE_CHECK to true
end repeat
delay 5
end tell
tell application "Acrobat Distiller 7.0"
Distill sourcePath POSIX path of PSFILE_PATH adobePDFSettingsPath "/Library/Application Support/Adobe PDF/Settings/Prinergy Pages.joboptions" destinationPath POSIX path of (path to home folder from user domain) & "Desktop/LUXE_out"
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set trash_file to PSFILE_PATH
delete file trash_file
end tell
end repeat
tell application "QuarkXPress Passport"
display dialog "Your PDF's are done" buttons {"OK"} with icon 1 default button 1
end tell
end tell
set oldPrinter to "CANON-PRO_Print"
tell application "Printer Setup Utility"
set current printer to first printer whose name is oldPrinter
end tell
end tell
Thanks Tim