Click menu item with-in menu item

I’m looking to move email from a inbox to a folder called “Printed”

I’ve already got the script selecting the new mail and printing it by choosing “Print…” in the menu “File” but I have no idea how to script choosing “Printed” in menu “Move” in menu “Message”.

This works here:

tell application "Mail"
	set msg to message 1 of mailbox "Inbox" of account ""
	set dest to mailbox "whatever"
	move msg to dest
end tell

Where do you come across the list of commands? I’ve had such a hard time finding out what the commands for are.

Simply go to the Finder and drop Mail’s icon onto Script Editor’s icon :wink:

Oh, thanks so much

Most of the questions I’ve been asking have been so basic, it will be good to be able to research it myself.